Flights from Billund Airport BLL to Larnaca Airport LCA

You have a choice of 2 airline companies when flying from Billund to Larnaca. The flight time from Billund to Larnaca is around 4 Hours 19 Minutes and you will cover 2,975 Km (1,849 Miles). The airport code for Billund is BLL and for Larnaca it is LCA.

The cost of your trip (flights) can change at weekends and at certain times of the day (if there is a choice of flights to your chosen destination. If you are looking to get the cheapest flights possible then we recommend you travel mid week or in the late evening. On occasions, airliners may have special offers so look out for these. Flights to Larnaca Cyprus normally increase in price the nearer the journey date, so it is worth trying to book your tickets in advance if you can.

The time zone at Larnaca is 2.0 GMT compared to 1.0 GMT at Billund so bare this in mind is you need to make travel arrangements when you arrive at Larnaca.

The table below displays the numbers of daily flights from Billund (BLL) to Larnaca (LCA) and the relevant airlines that fly.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
Sunclass Airlines100000007:1507:15VIEW FLIGHTS
Jettime100000011:5811:58VIEW FLIGHTS

Sunclass Airlines offer the most direct flights from Billund to Larnaca with an average of 1 flights a week. The earliest flights are operated at 07:15 and the latest flights operated at 07:15 and the most common flight numbers are DK1292

Contact Sunclass Airlines at Airlines to booking a flight or find up to date information on the flight times.

Below you can see the times of all flights. These flight times do vary so we recommend you look on the appropriate airline website for accurate information for the dates you are departing.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights
Sunclass AirlinesDK1292

Remember to have some local currency before travelling to Larnaca as there may not be a bureau de change open upon your arrival.

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Flight Price FAQ - Billund (BLL) to Larnaca (LCA)

1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest flight one way from Billund BLL to Larnaca LCA?
The cheapest flight one way from Billund BLL to Larnaca LCA is £127.46 ($159 €147.40)
$159 | €147.40
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1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest return flight from Billund BLL to Larnaca LCA?
The cheapest return flight from Billund BLL to Larnaca LCA is £177.16 ($221 €204.88)
$221 | €204.88
Check Latest Price
Important Note: Prices shown are taken from searches performed for flights operating during the current month. Please use the "Latest Price" buttons to get the most up to date airfares.

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Flight Info FAQ - Billund (BLL) to Larnaca (LCA)

Who flies from Billund to Larnaca?
The following airlines fly from Billund (BLL) to Larnaca (LCA): Jettime, Sunclass Airlines.
How far is the flight from Billund to Larnaca?
The flight from Billund to Larnaca is 2,975KM or 1,849 miles.
How long does the flight from Billund to Larnaca to take?
The flight from Billund to Larnaca takes 4 Hours 19 Minutes.

Planning a trip? Save money on car hire by booking in advance

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Useful Information about Billund Airport

Q2 Passenger Traffic Surges 9% at Billund Airport

Passenger Traffic Surges 9% in Q2 at Billund Airport, outperforming pre-pandemic levels by 9.15%. This growth aligns with the immense recovery in Q2 2021, with a staggering rise of 923%.

Lounges at Billund Airport

See all the airport lounges, locations and opening times available at Billund Airport

Eating and Drinking at Billund Airport

See all bars and restaurants at Billund Airport, including locations and if they are before or after check-in

Duty Free Shopping at Billund Airport

See all shops available at Billund Airport - plan your duty free shopping in advance
